Poklon bon

Želim otkriti


Austrija - Places of interest


  • Gardenhighlights
  • Natural beauties

Na 1.600 m² raspoređenih na 3 etaže možete posjetiti biljni vrt i doživjeti turu na temu snage. Vrt je izgrađen u obliku dva stopala i ilustrira učinak prirode na našem tijelu. Uživajte u okusu bilja i opustite se u moru boja.

  • Adresa: A- 8255 St. Jakob imWalde, Kirchenviertel 70, Austrija

On 1600 m² spread out over 3 floors you can visit the herb garden and experience a tour about strength. The garden was built in form of two footprints and illustrates the effect of the nature on our body. Enjoy the flavour of the herbs and relax in a sea of colours.

  • Adresa: A- 8255 St. Jakob imWalde, Kirchenviertel 70, Austria
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