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Austrija - Places of interest

Gartenschloss Herberstein

  • Gardenhighlights
  • Natural beauties

Prošećite u moru cvjetova. Iznenađujuće biljke i more predivnih mirisnih cvjetova tajanstveno skrivenih visoko iznad Feistritza te dvor koji skladno kombinira gotički, renesansni i barokni stil te stvara jedinstven dragulj i čuva povijest 700 godina duge obiteljske tradicije. Posjetite povijesni vrt dvorac s prekrasnim vrtovima.


  • Adresa: A-8222 St. Johann bei Herberstein, Buchberg 1, Austrija

Take a walk through a sea of blossoms. Amazing plants and a sea of wonderfully scented blossoms Mysteriously hidden and yet high above the Feistritz Gorge, the Castle harmoniously combines Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque to create what is a unique gem relating the history of 700 years of family tradition. Visit the historical garden castle with its beautiful gardens.

  • Adresa: A-8222 St. Johann bei Herberstein, Buchberg 1, Austria
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